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z-ro 8
S2 licensed
They parked Harvick for two races in the truck series a few years back. Carl should get at least the same.

I can say I've witnessed a race car going into the stands at a measly 110 mph, and it's the scariest goddamn thing i've ever seen (and it was just a racing incident, nothing intentional).
Several people were pinned under a 2800 pound late model, including a woman in a wheelchair that was a faithful visitor week after week. She lost her life from that, and others were hurt.
For anyone to intentionally put into motion a "what if" like that needs to seriously reconsider their position in the sport.

Funny, I used to like Carl, and his everlasting amazement at how lucky he is to be in his position. Only took one small juke to the right to throw that all away.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from xtraction :Its only debating (bickering about) the restrictions. It always happens.

nothing to do with the league / admins.

well the way i see it, you do the research, set the rules, and that's it. don't leave it open for discussion.
bickering only leads to more bickering. if the restrictions are way off then worry about it (but the CTRA restrictions were really good AFAIK).
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
45 posts of bickering even b4 the test thx. i'll pass.

shame, good time slot for me too.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Last edited by z-ro 8, .
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from boothy :Or just over the hill?

z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Well does that mean I'm over the river and thru the woods?
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from Tomhah :Yes, you is! ^^
Nah, it'll be fun :P

z-ro 8
S2 licensed
FWD ATL league is that day.

Oh well, do what you think is best...
2010 SNXL Protests
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
All protests must be made here in the proper format.

Any protest/race discussion must be made in the forums at
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
The 2010 Sunday Night XRT League kicked off last night at South City Chicane Route with eleven of the 15 registered drivers showing up to make a run at winning round one. Qualifying on the pole was [SR]Turbofreak, with a blistering lap, followed by sa|monstor and sa|pik_d rounding out the top three.
The race started off clean, with Turbofreak taking the lead, followed by team Something Awful and two of the Clockworks Motorsports guys. Some contact between [SR]Turkey and the wall by [AW]48Lowes caused a bottleneck going into the first chicane, leaving #00**Lizardfolk and [SR]Boothy with nowhere to go, and cracky narrowly missing the two of them as they recovered. Both cars had serious damage, but were able to continue. By lap 4 Turbo had a four second lead, showing everyone how it should be done, and some unfortunate contact between cracky and Boothy in turn one causing Boothy to call it quits early. A few made early pitstops, hoping for clear track and clean laps, while the leaders raced on ahead. An unfortunate timeout by [AW]48Lowes on lap seven left the field to nine competitors.
Lap 10 saw #13**Z.Wiess make a run at sa|pik_d, with both drivers pushing harder catching sa|monstor. At the end of lap ten Z.Wiess made his mandatory pitstop, giving team sa clear track behind them.
Lap 13 brings on a pit by the leader, but with a thirteen second lead, he was sitting comfortably in third upon return to the track, with both members of Something Awful racing still needing to pit.
Further back in the field, RSR.haVoc moves up into 5th spot, running close with #00**J.Oliviera from Clockwork. Also competing in the race were Lizardfolk and [SR]Turkey, who made his prerequisite post-race announcement about the upcoming [SR] Hotlap League, encouraging everyone to participate. Check out for more information.
Turbofreak reassumed the lead after pitstops were completed, and went on to finish 23 seconds ahead of second place monstor, followed by pik_d. Z.Wiess gives Clockworks Motorsports a fourth place finish, with RSR.haVoc rounding out the top five.
Race stats can be viewed here.
In all it was a good race, with a few signups late or missing. Round two is in two weeks at the loved and hated Kyoto Oval. Practice can be done at the 2010 SNXL server, signup information can be had at .
Last edited by z-ro 8, .
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from phatdragonx :LFS Username: phatdragonx
First and Last Name: Randy Young
Country Code: USA
Desired Car Number: 75
Team Affiliation: Something Awful Racing

z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Was thinking about setting up a USF1 server.....will be postponed for the first 4 weeks .
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Induced by the gawd-awful whale-tale. Thankfully it's outta here soon.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from DuleXY :I want to make one of our servers a multiclass but nothin i cfg in srv file is seems to work.. any help will be well accepted...

if you're talking about making a points, license or safety based ranking system, you have to have the FULL or PROS version. FREE does not offer rankings.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
If you are racing at KY1, you most likely are going full throttle in any LFS car, so you need to be looking ahead to the next turn.
No offense, but it you have to use the minimum draw distance, you have no business in the 250. Part of the key to survival is avoiding incidents, and you cannot do that if you force yourself to have the least possible amount of reaction time.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
that's it, Carl is banned from my servers.....dick.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Way to go Carl Edwards trying to kill another competitor.
What a F**king douche...
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
i've done a few 7 need to practice, but i have a league to run at 20:00 EST for about an hour....
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from Cabby :Wait a minute, I just noticed your location there Gil. Are you really up in Allentown?!?!?

no he's just a Billy Joel groupie
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from N!ghtm@re :I do not even have a
# -------------------------- Text Filters ------------------------- #

then upload new .srv file (to be sure you have everything), or copy-paste form source into your file.

what version do you have?
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from Falcon140 :

Spent the entire day cleaning, and priming the car. Tomorrow the paint goes on.

bah. powdercoat man. cheaper in the long run, and the quality is much better.

anyway. good luck. IMCA modifieds are the way to go. unless you get claimed too often.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from teedot :withdrawing. Do not have time for this so it seems.

z-ro 8
S2 licensed
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
I think that was probably one of the best (from my view) practices yet.
I see some great improvements of on-track behavior from some formerly questionable individuals .

Might be wise for some to go back and re-read the SC rules, concerning pit-entry and exit, and regarding giving others room under Sc laps. There's no sense in penalizing yourself for not following procedure, and there's no need to be tucked up under someone on SC laps, unless you are preparing to go green.

Anyways, keep up the good work. It's going to be a great 250 this year :P